[Presentatie] ‘Story over storytelling.. en conversie’ – Patrick Petersen #multichannel14 #mc14 #handout


Op woensdag 23 april 2014 sprak Patrick Petersen tijdens #multichannel14 – in een overvolle Beeckestijn Business zaal – over Storytelling & Conversie. Multichannel vond plaats in de Jaarbeurs te Utrecht.


Bekijk hier de handout:


Hoofdstuk 3 #306 De introductie van Google Shopping #uitleg #video #HOC #conversie

306googleshoppingVideo met introductie van Google Shopping. Wat is het? Wat kun je met Google Shopping?

“Earn how Google is making shopping easier on the web through Google Shopping – a shopping experience that helps consumers find exactly what they’re looking for.”






Hoofdstuk 2 #208 Uitleg Apple’s iBeacons #local #apple #conversie #2212



“iBeacon is a technology Apple introduced at the WWDC event this summer but didn’t get much attention.

iBeacon can be compared to NFC but works differently. iBeacon is a method to measure the distance between one iOS device to another. In this video i’ll show you a couple of possibilities.”